An apostate man, delving into occult activities, unexpectedly finds himself transported to a heavenly realm. In heaven he experiences shocking meetings with people from his earthly past, strange interactions with prophets of old, and a terrifying encounter with the evil one who is seeking the man’s soul. He makes startling and disturbing visits to the temple of the Old Covenant and the City of God, and is sent on a horrifying return to his childhood. Guided through heaven by an angel and by one of the glorious redeemed, he struggles with his past, his apostasy, and the answers to his existence. As he approaches the end of heaven, will he resolve his soul’s torment?
The Exegete is a biblical teaching podcast that walks you through books of the Bible verse-by-verse. With over 30 years of experience in ministry, and 40 years experience in studying the Word, Gary Livengood helps you discover the meaning and purpose of theology and how it fits into our daily lives. Livengood also walks you through practical ways of improving your walk with Christ and how to apply scripture to your relationships, your job, and your church community.
Live classroom expository Bible teaching emphasizing theology, doctrine, and practical application.
(Coming Soon)