In Lost In Heaven, an apostate man, Adam Sane, is struggling in his soul and is confused about his own life and the meaning of his existence due to the rejection of his childhood faith and family beliefs. In an effort to disprove the reality of the spiritual realm he goes to an occult gathering. Adam suddenly and unexpectedly, through the intervention of the sovereign God, finds himself traveling through the spiritual worlds he was trying to deny. He traverses a majestic spiritual nexus between earth and heaven, and then into the Heavenly Realm itself. As Adam approaches the City of God, despite the wondrous glories of heaven, he becomes more and more aware of the guilt of his own moral failing, his apostasy, and the fear edging into his mind as he understands the holy Presence he must face. In the City of God, Adam is shocked as he faces the fearsome power of his mortal enemy, Lucifer, as well as the eternal power and greatness of God. A burden is cast on him that will determine his eternal destiny, but he must continue his journey, leaving the City of God and wandering through the rest of the Heavenly Realm. Adam has several surprising and eye-opening meetings with redeemed people from his own earthly life. He sees incredible marvels and meets prophets of old with both frightening and powerful revelations. In the end, Adam leaves heaven without the resolution of his soul’s angst.
Coming Soon!
In the second book, The Dark Land, Adam travels through hell. He enters various underground caverns where the souls of the lost are suffering retribution for their sins. These are places of fire and heat and pain. Each pit of the damned has its own peculiar torturous reckoning related to its inhabitants. Adam is also led by a “shade” to the place where Adam will one day dwell, barring his redemption. On the surface of hell there is bitter cold and darkness, battles between angels and demons, and barrenness and devastation from spiritual warfare millennia in the past. There is much pain and suffering, fear and starvation for Adam during his trek. His eyes are slowly opened to his soul’s darkness and his need. Eventually, nearly at the point of death, Adam meets his angel-friend and guide from heaven, Odegeo. The angel leads Adam through the rest of hell, including frightful dangers and fears, until he must take a final leap of faith to fulfill the burden which had been laid upon him in the Heavenly Realm.
Be on the lookout for Book 3 announcement!